VIRGO December 2018 Horoscope
The planets are presently solidly settled in the Western area of your outline, making you all the more socially cognizant and other-orientated, more needy and less self-confident.
For the last few months, you have had a put yourself first attitude yet this is no longer of interest to you. It is counter productive at this point. This is no longer a period for you go alone or to attempt to change conditions and conditions. You wish to be loved and adjust to others right now. It is likely you will achieve a lot of socially this month, and this is also one of your priorities.
The greater part of the plants keeps on being at the base portion of your outline, making you more nostalgic. You are looking forward to receiving receiving the past. You are additionally more likely to pick enthusiastic agreement and security over professional achievement. In truth, with such a great amount of energy in your (fourth) House of Family this month, local interests and diving into your past are surprisingly pleasurable exercises. There is a delight in going to go back to the past. Charming recollections of past times worth remembering to return and place you in a decent state. Family exercises and connections are curiously pleasurable and productive too. A move or augmentation of your home is happening.
Mental reviews flourish. Unmistakable individuals – accommodating ones – from your youth return to review previous circumstances. The past is dealt with and understood. A piece of you needs to imitate the past.
Your desire to assist others is exceptionally dynamic this month and brings you awesome delight. Beneficial land arrangements are coming your way. This month you are likely to exchange your home for a value worthwhile to you if this is what you wish to raise.
Beside all the family movement, this month by and large is a part of individual delight and liberality. Sentiment is noted all around.
Singles are probably going to locate their optimal rate this month. Feelings of adoration go sour as can be and ultra-low. Affections have a tendency to be extraordinary one approach or the other. Individual innovativeness are solid and will convert into money and included glory. Hypotheses are assured all month.
Your 4th house of home and family is still very persuasive this month. Pay more attention here. December is a family kind of period after all. You can let career matters slide for a while.
The 4th house is the lowest point in your chart. It symbolizes the deepest part of the night – the midnight hour. The body is passive but significant activity is happening internally. The body is ready for the activities of the next day. So, this is an opportunity to work on your goals by internal rather than external methods – through meditation, visualization and willed dreaming. Imagine yourself being where you want to see your career, love and financial life. Imagine your body the way you want to be. Ignore the mirror or your present circumstances. Got your image. Go into the feeling of your image as best you can and stay for as long as you can. Repeat this every night, or whenever you have spare moments. When the feeling now comes to you, your goals are as good as achieved. By the spiritual law, they must happen. How they happen is not in your business. It is the business of a Higher Power.
This is a month (and a year) for psychological breakthroughs. The psyche is actively involved these days and close to you. Memories that arise might seem random to the conscious mind, but they are giving meaningful messages about your present condition. Observe these memories. Write them down. Check out from your present perspective. Many of them will give up their hold on you as look at them for what they are. When you reinterpret past events – put them in proper perspective – you change the past (in a manner of speaking). Whatever happened, happened, but look at it in a different light. This is great therapy.
Finances look nice this month. Venus began to make progress again on November 16, so the monetary judgement is realistic and sound once again. On the 2nd, she moves into Scorpio, your 3rd house. This demonstrates the importance of sales, marketing, PR and advertising in whatever you’re doing.
It shows financial opportunities right in your neighbourhood – close to home. Neighbours, siblings or sibling figures are playing a major role in the financial life. There are opportunities to take advantage of trading – from buying and sell.
Mars stays in your 7th house of love all month. Avoid unnecessary power struggles with the beloved.
Best Days Overall: 9, 10, 18, 19, 27, 28
Most Stressful Days Overall: 6, 7, 14, 15, 21, 22
Best Days for Love: 2, 3, 4, 5, 14, 15, 23, 24, 31
Best Days for Money: 2, 3, 6, 14, 15, 16, 23, 24, 26, 29, 30
Best Days for Career: 4, 5, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24