Aquarius January 2018 Horoscope
One couldn't
request a luckier condition than for an Aquarian being pushed into upbeat
gatherings, classes and events. Your friend network grows in amount as well as
in quality. These are likewise companions who appreciate making your fondest
expectations and wishes happen.
In eight out of ten of the planets in the Eastern portion of your
Horoscope you appear responsible for your life, – the Lord and Creator of your
conditions and condition. You run forward with certainty and have no restraints
on stating yourself and knowing where your interests lie. Others have to adjust
to you this month.
In spite of the fact that you have been dynamic in magnanimous
gatherings for a few years now, this month you are more forceful than
Love will come to you; you do not need to pursue it.
Neptune has the authority of the Sun and Mercury this month, which
give a boost to your finances as Neptune is your money planet. This month you
discover that social contacts and companionships are another type of riches –
an impalpable resource and asset that is by and by genuine.
Your social contacts lead you to win open doors. Your liberality to
philanthropies improves you in unpretentious ways. As you give so, do not go.
Psychics, spiritualists and crystal gazers lead you to conceal riches and
Your wellbeing is phenomenal all month – however gets especially
pronounced after the twentieth when the Sun is brought to your own Sign.
In general you’re in a very independent kind of year, and especially
so this month. Very unusually, for half the month all the planets will be
placed in the Eastern sector of the self. Only the Moon will visit the Western
societal sector for some of the month, so you’re definitely having things your
way these days. Your personal happiness is key to the cosmos. You have the
power (and support) to create the conditions of your own happiness. Go makes
yourself happy and the whole world will basically have consented to it. This
doesn’t mean that you harm others or disrespect them; you just go your way if
they don’t agree.
You begin your year, as you do most years, on a spiritual note. Your
12th house of spirituality is easily the strongest in the Horoscope at the
moment. So, this is a month for spiritual study, spiritual practice and drawing
closer to the Divine within. The inner life, your inner growth, is the main
Your love planet, the Sun, will be in your 12th house until the
20th. Pluto, your career planet, has been here for many years. So, the message
here is getting right spiritually and love and career will be divided into
You’re in a brilliant career month too – this will be a very
productive month in a prosperous year. Pluto receives wonderful aspects from
the 8th to the 10th and the 24th and 25th. This brings both success and
opportunity to you.
Lunar Eclipse on the 31st brings some excitement and change to you.
Reduce your schedule around that period as the eclipse appears to have an
influence you strongly. It is found in your 7th house of love and will test a
current relationship. It need not dissolve it – only test it – bring up
repressed grievances. Sometimes there are dramas in the life of the beloved
that highlights the relationship. Good relationships survive these things, but
they change. Corrections are made. The eclipsed planet, the Moon, is your
health and work planet, so every Lunar Eclipse impacts on the health and the
job situation and this one is no different. So, job changes are afoot. The
conditions of work change. You will have to make significant changes to your
health regime. Often this kind of eclipse brings health scares, but your health
looks good and it’s probably no more than a scare. The spouse, partner or
current love has changes in his or her spiritual life – changes in practice,
teachings and perhaps teachers. There are remarkable changes in his or her
spiritual attitudes.
Best Days Overall: 8, 9, 17, 18, 19, 27, 28
Most Stressful Days Overall: 3, 4, 10, 11, 25, 26, 31
Best Days for Love: 3, 4, 5, 6, 15, 16, 27, 28, 31
Best Days for Money: 1, 2, 10, 11, 20, 21, 29, 30
Best Days for Career: 5, 6, 10, 11, 15, 16, 25, 26