Leo September 2018 Horoscope

Leo September 2018 Horoscope

Most of the planets are moving toward the West of your chart meaning you are about having to adapt to others more than you would otherwise.

You will find that any home projects or domestic affairs are no longer part experiencing delays in recent months. This is due to most of the plants being located in the lower portion of your graph, meaning you focus on family and home. You are supportive and shining through, your help toward others.

There is not that much activity in your love life at the moment, yet following the 23rd there is a potential conflict with a loved one and the relationship is challenged. If singles wish to find love after the 23rd, more effort is needed in order to go out and meet people.

Your financial success, and good intuition continues for most of the month of Leo, so you can continue to carry out the true risks, and expect good rewards. However, Mercury, your money planet, goes retrograde on the 22nd so be more cautious after that. You don’t be needed in order to worry. Just take the time out.

Mars has been ‘out of bounds’ since July 9 and this continues for most of the month ahead – until the 24th. Thus college students are moving ‘outside the box’ in their studies – experimenting with different ways and different educational subjects. Same old, same old seems, boring. This is further happening in your spiritual life. You’re exploring other religions and philosophies and looking for answers that are not your own native tradition. This is basically healthy. Many of you are equally travelling to exotic places – or, rather, to places you would normally never visit.

Finance is the primary headline this month. You’re still in the midst of a yearly financial peak (this continues until the 22nd). Earnings are strong. You’re focused here. The ruler of your Horoscope in your money house is always a positive monetary indicator. He is still friendly to you – always helpful. You invest in yourself, you adopt the image of wealth and you ‘feel’ wealthier than usual. Probably you’re flaunting it more to the world. (Leos love to flaunt!) Mercury, your financial planet, is moving forward all month and very quickly. This shows fast financial progress; fast (and generally accurate) fiscal decision making. Until the 6th, Mercury is on your sign – a definite monetary signal. He brings windfalls and financial opportunity and you don’t need to go looking everywhere for it. The money people in your life are favourably disposed to you. On the 6th, he enters your money house (his own sign and house), where he is extra power on your behalf. You will be spent on health and health products, but you can learn as well. Financial judgement is necessary in order to and the details of finance are easily handled. By the 22nd, as both Mercury and the Sun leave your money house, your short-term financial goals should have been done and you can concentrate on other things – education, reading, intellectual interests and pastimes.

Venus, your career planet, moves into your 4th house of home and family on the 9th. This, couple with most of the planets being below the horizon as well, indicates that now your mission, your career, is the home and family. Sometimes this shows pursuing the career from home.

Health is good for this month. Those of you born early in the sign of Leo (July 22–25) is to become more prudent health wise, but for the rest of you, health is basically trustworthy. You can enhance it further in the ways mentioned in the yearly report.

Best Days Overall: 7, 15, 16, 25, 26
Most Stressful Days Overall: 1, 13, 14, 20, 21, 27, 28
Best Days for Love: 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 13, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27
Best Days for Money: 4, 5, 9, 13, 14, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 29
Best Days for Career: 1, 2, 3, 13, 22, 23, 27, 28