Leo August 2018 Horoscope

Leo August 2018 Horoscope

Delays in recent months are currently disappearing Leo. This is particularly experienced in any skills or studies you have been learning, and in any projects around the home and in your own spiritual fulfilment and exploring the world around you through means such as travel.

There is still a concentration of plants in the lower part of your graph meaning you are still seeking your own personal pleasure and spiritual fulfilment over your professional ambitions.

Likewise, the concentration in the western part of your graph of planets, yet this does not create any dramatic influence on your life nowadays due to the power in your own peculiar sign. Your specific interests are harmonising nicely with others at this time. Travel will make you very happy at the moment, as well exploring your creative side more fully.

You will find August to be among your most enjoyable months, and your charisma overcomes any obstacles with others, despite so many planets located in the West.
Sexual magnetism is in an all time high for Leos at the moment, and you have an abundance of choice. Yet your Love planet is still retrograde. So don’t take anything too seriously.

You have confidence and good intuition regarding financial affairs at the moment Leo. With your money planet Mercury charging ahead and in your money house for much of the month, you can expect reliable monetary earnings without too much effort on your part.

Another eclipse, a rare third Solar Eclipse of the year, is established in the 11th. All Solar Eclipses affect you strongly, but this one more so than normal. It takes place in your own sign of Leo. Once again you’re forced to redefine yourself, to re-evaluate who you are and how you want others to make of you. It presents a change of the personality and image. Changes that weren’t made last month are made now. If you haven’t been assiduous in dietary matters, this kind of eclipse can produce a detox of the body. This ceases to be a disease, though it can feel this way. It is cleansing. Cooperate with it. Partners and friends can have crises in their love relationships now. Bosses and elders are having family dramas. Health is appropriate this month, but is careful over the period of the eclipse, for a few days before the 11th and a few days after.

Since July 22 you have been made available for the best period of the year for changing irksome conditions. Take advantage of this, as later it will be more difficult. The Sun in your sign brings energy and star quality to the image. You look great. You have energy and charisma. Finances are also useful to – although earnings are slower than usual. There are glitches and delays. Mercury, your financial planet, is retrograde until the 19th. In spite of this, the month should be prosperous (as long as you take good care of the delays). Mercury is in your personal sign. You look healthy and feel healthy and others meet you this way. The eclipse might shake your confidence and self-esteem, but once the period is greater than your natural self-confidence will returns, perhaps even stronger than before.

There are still many changes being held in your career, in your company and in your industry, but now it’s time to be more had an affair with the family and home. Your emotional wellness is crucial now. Venus has her ‘solstice’ from the 5th to the 9th. She pauses in the heavens (in her latitudinal motion) and then changes direction. This is what happening in the career to.

Mercury moves forward again on the 19th, and the Sun enters your money house on the 23rd. So you can expect greater prosperity from the 19th onwards. From the 23rd onwards, you will be in a yearly financial peak.

Best Days Overall: 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 19, 20, 29, 30
Most Stressful Days Overall: 4, 5, 16, 17, 24, 25, 31
Best Days for Love: 4, 5, 12, 14, 15, 21, 24, 25, 31
Best Days for Money: 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20, 26, 27, 29, 30
Best Days for Career: 4, 5, 14, 15, 24, 25, 31