Aquarius October 2018 Horoscope
The vast majority of the planets are situated in the Eastern division of your outline; and as the month proceeds ever more elevated. In addition, Uranus (you're Ruling Planet) begins pushing ahead again on the sixth after being retrograde for some time. Most planets are surging forward until the fourteenth, and then after the fourteenth you strive, reaching for the stars. You can and will get things your way this month. You can and do accomplish what you need in order to complete.
The vast majority of the hindrances in your way are expelled. Yet in the event that any remain you have all that could be needed in terms of strength and vitality to beat them. This is the time when you are letting nothing stand in your way. Universe rockets forward this month, with you alongside.
Your tenth House of Career holds immeasurable strength this month. October 2018 sees your career driving you forward. This can be very dull before long. You need to use the brilliant lights, the nervelessness and the general population to acknowledge your starry quality. You need 'to accomplish something with life that fulfills your dreams.
The individuals who have put in place up will get more popularity and acknowledgment than some time recently. This October sees Aquarians conducting their own name.
Your ways of most prominent satisfaction are advanced education, outside travel, your profession, fellowships and gathering exercises.
You are so full of energy and vitality until the 24th, after which you must take more time out. Money related stalemate of the previous couple of months is just for the most part yet not totally over. Your income increment comes after the 24th.
Your recent concentration on the outside world will lead to a long haul change in family relations and your household circumstance. Lunar Eclipse of the eighth messengers this change.
There is magnificent cosmic timing happening in your career. Just as the career is becoming most conspicuous, Pluto, your career planet, starts moving forward. This happens early in the month – on the 2nd. So there is clarity about the career and, just as important, there are drive and ambition. A successful month ahead.
Though your yearly career peak begins on the 23rd, your career house is overwhelming all month. Jupiter and Venus (the two beneficent planets of the zodiac) is on your 10th house all month. Mercury, another beneficent planet (he rules your 5th house of fun and creativity) enters on the 10th while the Sun will include it on the 23rd.
Career, then, is the main headline of the month and it is excellent. You have abundant cosmic support. You have friends in high places who are helping. Family and children are helping, and after the 23rd the spouse, partner or current love is also helping. You are high and recognized. Honours are likely to come. It is important to recognize that the cosmos wills your success.
The health needs more watching from the 23rd onwards. The main issue seems to be over-work. The downside of all this success is that more demands are made on you. Mars, still in your sign all month, can make you overly optimistic about the body – the tendency would be to push it beyond its limits. It great to ensure that a success but not at the expense of your health. So, work hard but schedule more rest periods. Improve the health situation in the ways mentioned in the yearly report.
The love life becomes very noticeable this month too. The Sun’s move into your 10th house shows its importance. It is part of your priorities and this tends to success. The ongoing love is also succeeding. You are drawn to wealthy people and will tend to socialize with them. You’ll be meeting these kinds of people this month. The lovely planet in your 10th house often indicates romantic opportunities with people of high status and position – bosses, elders and authority figures. You gravitate to people who can assist in your career wise.
Finances are super all month. There is luck in speculations. You have the financial favour of bosses, elders, friends and the current love. Pay rises (official or unofficial) are tending. Though this is no longer part a yearly financial peak – it is close.
Best Days Overall: 1, 8, 9, 17, 18, 19, 27, 28
Most Stressful Days Overall: 4, 5, 10, 11, 25, 26, 31
Best Days for Love: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 18, 19, 20, 21, 29, 30, 31
Best Days for Money: 2, 3, 10, 11, 20, 21, 29, 30
Best Days for Career: 6, 7, 10, 11, 15, 16, 25, 26