Scorpio April 2018 Horoscope
The East and West of your horoscope has an equal balance of planets.
Thinking about others, too much you are not owning your own power. You are greatly adjusting between social desires and self-intrigue.
All month your ruling planet Pluto is situated in retrograde. Basically this is reminding you to live depending on the means. You are not going backwards even though you might think you 're sometimes.
Your second house is available for Jupiter, in retrograde. It is now time to consolidate financial opportunities. Reconsider circumstances – before going into any long haul budgetary duty or making significant buys.
You can navigate through the turbulent by remaining focused.
The pace of work has been shown to be risky. Your work objectives are accomplished rapidly and with excitement.
Looked forward to an increase in social activity from the 20th onwards. On the 29th, the Solar Eclipse is in your house of Love - which is also being driven by the Sun and Mercury.
Huge, long haul changes occur in your affectionate life. A present relationship either ends or changes radically. Singles may well meet that unique individual, as the Eclipse supports a change in conjugal status.
You truly need a companion no more than an accomplice.
On the 29th expect significant changes in your profession with the Solar Eclipse. Here and now changes prompt long haul advancement.
This is a very nice month for job seekers. There are at least three job opportunities available, and Mars in the 3rd house suggests that
They are situated in the neighbourhood, close to home. Those already employed have opportunities for overtime or side jobs.
Health and energy are more good. Though, after the 20th, the health will require more attention. This is a short-term issue. Improve the health status in the ways mentioned in the yearly report. This month also pays more attention to the spine, knees, bones, teeth, skeleton and overall skeletal alignment. Recurrent back massage will be enjoyable (especially from the 1st to the 3rd).
Pluto, the ruler of your Horoscope, goes retrograde on the 22nd. (This happens just around the time that you enter a yearly social peak.) This has a tendency to weaken self-confidence and self-esteem. In your case, this is probably a good thing. On your Western, social sector so strong – and soon, to be even stronger. – too much self-confidence – too much self-assertion – is not such a good thing. When in doubt, defer to others and please let them have their way (so long as it isn’t destructive). Since you’re in a period where social skills are made, personal will and desires are less important.
All of this will help the love life, which gets stronger from the 20th onwards. You’re in the mood for love. Venus, your love planet, spends most of the month in your 7th house and the Sun enters there on the 20th. While marriage is not likely singles, there are still happy romantic opportunities and meetings (especially on the 17th and 18th). The career planet (the Sun) in the 7th house shows that you’re mixing with high and mighty people these days – people above you in status and power. You’re romantically attracted to power and prestige. You find people who have the power to help you career wise alluring. A lot of your socializing seem business or career related.
You’re still very much in a prosperous year, but this month – especially after the 20th – finances is temporarily stressful. You have to make harder for earnings. The focus on love and career might be distracting you from finance. Also, Jupiter is always retrograde.
Best Days Overall: 2, 3, 12, 13, 21, 22, 29
Most Stressful Days Overall: 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 23, 24
Best Days for Love: 7, 8, 16, 17, 27
Best Days for Money: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 21, 22, 29, 30
Best Days for Career: 4, 5, 14, 15, 16, 23, 24, 25