Cancer July 2018 Horoscope
This is one of the best months of the year
for you Cancer, despite the fact that half the planets are still retrograde and
you are experiencing some delays. Progress is being made and your dreams
are coming true. Vitality is at an all time high and you feel energetic,
and enthusiastic.
You find your charm and charisma are
strong, and on top of this you tend to get your own way as so many planets are
moving through your Sign.
There is an even dispersal of planets in
the East and West segments of your chart, so you remain balanced when it comes
to others.
There is a lot of physical activity this
month, and you are enjoying it. This includes sport activity and sensual
ON the 23rd three planets move in to your
second Money House, stimulating your finances. On top of that on the 27th
the Moon occurs there. Financial goals will be revealed. You can take
risks and will most likely win. From the 26th your financial aspirations
become more grounded.
You 3rd House is occupied by Mars, your
Career Planet, until the 22nd meaning you should promote yourself as you will
be able to advance this way. You will have the gift of the gab during
this time.
Finance has not been a big deal this year.
For most of the year, your money house has been basically empty and you have
seemed satisfied with the status quo. But last month the money house started to
get powerful. Venus moved in on June 19 and Mercury on the 29th. This month
your 2nd house will get even stronger as the Sun moves into it on the 22nd.
Last month was prosperous – this month even more so. There is a strong focus on
finance, and this makes all the difference in the world.
Venus’s presence in the money house since
June 14 indicates spending on the home and family – not a surprise. It also
shows good family support and that family connections play an important role in
earnings. Venus leaves the money house on the 10th. Mercury will spend the
entire month in the 2nd house, signalling a good financial intuition. This
aspect favours buying, selling and trading. Good sales, marketing and PR are
important in whatever you do. The Sun’s move into the money house is also
wonderful. He is in his own sign and house – and is more powerful than usual.
This favours speculations, and industries that appeal to youth – entertainment,
music, etc. For those of you who are more conservative, it also favours
electric utilities and gold.
Mars, your career planet, spends most of
the month ‘out of bounds’ – from the 9th onwards. This shows that career
activities are pulling you into unknown territory, outside your normal sphere.
Two eclipses shake things up this month and
keep things interesting. The Solar Eclipse of the 13th occurs in your own sign.
Take it easy over this period. As with every Solar Eclipse there’s a need for a
course correction in finance. The events of the eclipse will show you what’s
needed. The eclipse in your sign indicates a need to redefine yourself – your
image and self-concept.
The Lunar Eclipse of the 27th occurs in
your 8th house and also impacts on your image and self-concept. This month is
definitely a time to take stock of yourself and to decide on what image you
want to project to the world. This eclipse affects Mars, so career changes and
shakeups are happening. It could bring a happy career opportunity too. Perhaps
surgery is recommended to you or to bosses or parent figures in your life.
Best Days Overall: 3, 4, 12, 13, 20, 21,
30, 31
Most Stressful Days Overall: 5, 6, 18, 19,
Best Days for Love: 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 25, 26
Best Days for Money: 1, 3, 4, 12, 13, 14,
15, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 29
Best Days for Career: 1, 5, 6, 10, 11, 18,
19, 27, 28, 29