Aquarius August 2018 Horoscope

Aquarius August 2018 Horoscope

The planets are over the skyline this month, cultivating your aspirations. This pattern is additionally strengthened by your Career Planet (Pluto) going ahead this month after retrograde movement. Vocational advancement starts.

This is just an exceptionally social month. Your 7th House of Love and Marriage is also being enhanced by the fast moving planets in the East of your graph. This also takes you to more communal than usual.

Your ways of most noteworthy satisfy this month is your companionships, and artistic work.
This is the right moment, you meet the perfect companion for this phase in your life.

Attend events and gatherings because the accent is on love and romance this month and there you have a duty to meet to meet potential interests.

Your monetary life still seems to be fairly still. Be discreet with the postponements going on. Ensure that you have put your financial work in before you spend too freely. Your personal finances improve the more you focus on helping others.

Another Solar Eclipse, on the 11th (the third one this year), will test your current marriage or relationship. It sounds like a contemporary relationship is getting a severe ‘stress test’ to see how will it wait for. Be more patient with the beloved this period – he or she seems under duress. Only the really good relationships are such as to stand up under this relentless pounding. That’s the good news. If you can make it through this, you can probably turn it into through anything.

The planetary power is in the day side of your chart. You are currently person now, achieving your goals through action – the methods of the day. You are beginning a new career push now. It is becoming more and more important. Keep in mind, though, that Uranus is still in your 4th house, so home and family are still very significant and a major interest. Your challenge will be to get a successful career along with a successful home and family life. This is a classic challenge that many people face. There are not any rules for this. Sometimes you swing to the career, sometimes to the home. You need to figure out case by case.

Your health has needed more attention since July 22. You, or the spouse, partner or current love, seem involved in some major, major project. (Children or children figures also seem involved.) These things are always stressful and delicate. Improve the health status in the ways mentioned in the yearly report. You’re going to be industrious, but don’t forget to schedule some rest periods into your diary.

Health will begin to improve later in the month. On 18th Mars loses your sign, and on, the 22nd the Sun will leave his stressful aspect.

Finances get more stressful on the 22nd onwards. These are not major problems – you’re still in a cycle of prosperity – but the finances become more challenging. You seek to for earnings.

You’re in the midst of a yearly love and social peak until the 22nd. The eclipse of the 11th is testing love however, and maybe friendships as well. The 25th and 26th bring happy romantic opportunities for singles. For those in troubled relationships, these days bring an opportunity for reconciliation.

Best Days Overall: 6, 7, 14, 15, 24, 25
Most Stressful Days Overall: 4, 5, 10, 11, 16, 17, 31
Best Days for Love: 2, 3, 5, 10, 11, 14, 15, 20, 24, 25, 31
Best Days for Money: 8, 9, 16, 17, 26, 27
Best Days for Career: 4, 5, 12, 13, 16, 17, 21, 22, 31