Cancer March 2018 Horoscope

 Cancer March 2018 Horoscope

You need to focus on money this month.  On the 13th and 14th your 2nd Money House is visited by the waxing moon, so you can expect a financial peak then.

Your health is good this month yet following the 21st you will need to spend more time recharging your energy.

The workplace is still a fun place for you Cancer, yet you are seeking new lands, places and faces.  Travel looks likely yet needs to be planned.  Don’t just jump on a plane, even though you feel like it.

Your professional drive is still strong, as most planets are still at the top of your graph, and your 10th Career House is visited by the Sun.

On the 24th, your Career Planet, Mars, starts going direct again, and this clears any previous professional doubts and delays.  Your professional acumen is now being recognized by your peers and elders.  From the 21st there is great career success for you Cancer.

This month you are courageous and fearless with regard to your financial goals.  You are focused and overcoming obstacles.  However before the 21st you are more cautious with money.  This is fine as you are getting ready to take on the opposition and knock them down.  Your confidence is great.

A happy, prosperous and successful month ahead, Cancer, enjoy

Last month on the 18th, your 9th house – considered one of the happiest – became very strong, and this is the situation until the 20th of this month. The financial planet, the Sun, in the 9th house shows prosperity, the enlargement of wealth. Foreign companies, foreign investments and foreigners in general are playing a huge role in earnings. The Sun in spiritual Pisces at the start of the month shows ‘miracle money’ rather than ‘natural money’. It shows an ability to access the supernatural sources of supply. It shows a good financial intuition too.

Power in the 9th house indicates good fortune for college students. If you’re involved in legal issues there is good fortune here too. Foreign lands are calling to you – travel is in the air. The planets favour sea travel rather than air or land travel: a cruise looks interesting.

With the north node of the Moon in your 2nd money house, your problem might be too much money rather than too little. (The north node tends to excess.) But this is a nice problem to have.

On the 20th the Sun crosses the Mid-heaven and enters your career house. Forty per cent of the planets will be here – a strong percentage. The career is going well. You’re succeeding. There can be pay rises (official or unofficial) too. You have the financial favour of the authority figures in your life. Your good professional reputation is important financially – guard it. Your career planet, Mars, will move into your 7th house of love on the 17th, so you advance your career by social means. Attend the right parties and gatherings – perhaps you can host them as well.

Health needs more attention being paid to it from the 20th onwards, as many, many planets are in stressful alignment with you. Make sure to get enough rest. Try not to overwork in your career. Take breaks. Enhance your health in the ways mentioned in the yearly report. Until the 17th (with Mars in your 6th house), scalp and face massage will be good. Good muscle tone seems important too.

Best Days Overall: 6, 7, 15, 16, 17, 24, 25
Most Stressful Days Overall: 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 18, 19, 31
Best Days for Love: 1, 8, 10, 11, 12, 18, 19, 20, 26, 27, 29
Best Days for Money: 6, 7, 15, 16, 17, 24, 25, 26, 27
Best Days for Career: 8, 9, 18, 19, 20, 29, 30