Cancer February 2018 Horoscope

 Cancer February 2018 Horoscope

On the 4th, your 7th Marriage House is visited by Venus, where she remains for the rest of the month leading to harmony in your social affairs.

Nine out of ten planets will be going direct by the end of the month.  There is no doubt there is a lot happening for you right now. Currently throughout the month, most are concentrated in the West and top half of your graph. You are a natural introvert, yet now you are focused on others.   Social activities are at an all time high.

There is more romance in your life right now, Cancer, especially for those married Cancerians.  You will also find that a long term friend wants more from the relationship and you need to handle this delicate situation with care.

Your Second Money House, is currently housing Mars, your Career Planet, and Mars is travelling retrograde.  This suggests to take care, and urges you to exercise caution with financial and professional matters.

After the 19th, conservative Saturn is travelling with your Money Planet, the Sun.

Mercury is retrograde until the 16th. There is a financial deal occurring for you right now Cancer, yet you need to take care to find out all the necessary details before you make any decisions.  Yes we must take risks at times, yet this time let it be a calculated risk.

Saturn is warning you not to overspend, and Singles especially are finding their drive is to go out have fun and socialize, so watch the purse strings Cancer.

From the 19th, your financial intuition is strong, as your Money Planet will be moving into Pisces.  Despite this you need to discipline yourself to only spend according to your needs, and this is challenging this month, yet your healthy and vitality are wonderful so you are feeling good.

Finance has not been a big issue in your life so far this year (and nor was it last year). Perhaps you haven’t paid enough attention here – the Lunar Eclipse last month and the upcoming Solar Eclipse on the 15th of this month are forcing you to pay more attention and make the changes that need to be made. It is tempting to have the financial life on ‘automatic pilot’ – but sometimes human intervention is necessary.

The Solar Eclipse this month occurs in your 8th house and affects not only your personal finances but the finances of the spouse, partner or current love. If you’re involved in business partnerships it applies to your partner here as well. You both need to make course corrections in the financial life. Your thinking hasn’t been realistic, as the events of the eclipse will show. The 8th house connection often shows ‘near death’ experiences (or fears of death). Here it involves financial ‘near death’ rather than physical. This eclipse also impacts on Mercury and Jupiter. Thus job changes can be in the works. The conditions of the workplace change. Your health is good this month, but the impact on Jupiter can bring some kind of health scare. It will bring – over the coming months – dramatic changes in your health regime. If you employ others there is instability in the workplace and dramas in the lives of employees. The impact on Mercury will test cars and communication equipment – you should drive more careful this period, more defensively. Indeed, if you don’t need to drive, don’t. Since Mercury rules your 12th house of spirituality, there can be upheavals and shakeups in a charitable or spiritual organization you belong to. There are dramas in the lives of gurus or guru figures in your life.

Avoid speculations on the 9th and 10th and be careful of overspending. Marriage is not advisable this year, but the love life improves from the 18th onwards. You still need to go slowly in love, and to be more choosey about who you date and what parties you attend.

Health is good this month and will get even better after the 18th. There is a lot of water in the Horoscope from the 18th onwards – at least half of the planets are in water signs. This is comfortable for you, but watch your mood. Water-based therapies are beneficial all year, but especially this month.

Best Days Overall: 6, 7, 16, 17, 25, 26
Most Stressful Days Overall: 4, 5, 11, 12, 19
Best Days for Love: 2, 4, 5, 11, 12, 16, 21, 25, 26
Best Days for Money: 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 15, 16, 17, 25, 26, 27, 28
Best Days for Career: 9, 10, 19, 20, 27, 28