Pisces May 2018 Horoscope

Pisces May 2018 Horoscope

Be patient. Use delays constructively to further your goals and aspirations
You are socializing with people outside your normal orbit. Your caution is located in a position.
Test the waters before you dive in.

Your social charisma could be higher.

A current relationship seems suddenly to go backwards. You get yourself right back where you began.

Social contacts are bringing your financial opportunities.
Rest and relax more after the 21st.

Finances are not so important, less of a focus this month. On the 13th Mercury will leave the money house, and on the 16th Uranus will make a major move out of the 2nd house, where he’s been for over seven years. This, I feel, is a big sign. Your short-term financial goals have been reached and you’re ready to put your attention elsewhere. Your 3rd house became powerful on April 20, and remains powerful this month until the 21st, so the focus now is placed on communication and intellectual interests. Reading a good book by a fine writer is part of the great pleasures of life. Yet, people are so busy that they rarely have the opportunity. Now is time for this. It is a huge month for students below the college level. There is focus on their studies and this tends to success. Teachers, writers, journalists and media people also have a nice month. Their work flows more easily. The mind is sharper. Sales and marketing people should also do a good job.

Though Uranus leaves the money house, technology and online activities still seem very important financially. Mars will be in your 11th house until the 16th and then in the sign of Aquarius for the rest of the month. Both the 11th house and the sign of Aquarius relate to technology. You’ve been more experimental in pecuniary matters for some years now, and the trend is continued in the month ahead. Social connections also seem essential.

Mars, your financial planet, in your 12th house of spirituality from the 16th onwards signals the importance of the financial intuition. And, though you already understand much about spiritual wealth, you will go deeper into it. It is a period for ‘miracle’ money rather than ‘natural’ money.

Your career planet Jupiter is still retrograde all month, and your 4th house of home and family becomes very formidable after the 21st. So, as we mentioned last month, let career issues slide (or work on them in interior ways, where there are no obstructions) and concentrate on creating the infrastructure for future career success.

Health needs more watching this month – especially after the 21st. There are not any major problems here though. Only lowered energy levels (the primal disease). As always, make sure to get enough rest. You can improve the health situation through neck massage until the 21st, and through arm and shoulder massage afterwards. Mild emotional health also becomes prominent after the 21st.

Best Days Overall: 9, 10, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28
Most Stressful Days Overall: 2, 3, 16, 17, 22, 23, 29, 30
Best Days for Love: 2, 3, 7, 8, 13, 14, 17, 22, 23, 26, 31
Best Days for Money: 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 24, 26, 27
Best Days for Career: 2, 3, 9, 10, 18, 19, 26, 27, 29, 30