Libra April 2018 Horoscope

 Libra April 2018 Horoscope

Venus charges forward and your romantic confidence is brought up.

From the 20th you are necessary in order to review finances carefully yet before then income is good.
Much activity is currently being held in your 7th House of Love, and on top of that at least six out of ten planets are in the West, meaning others are your focus.

Up until the 20th you need to rest more. However, on 20th of your vitality is wonderful and you are well the energy you need following that date. You will be impressed until that time also that you must maintain harmony with your family.

On the fifteenth, there is a Lunar Eclipse, causing dramatic changes in your career over the long-term. On the 29th there is a Solar Eclipse in your eighth House, signifying major financial changes in investment.

Health is improving but still needs going to take care of. Review our discussion of this last month. Continue to enhance the health in the ways mentioned in the yearly report. Soaking in a tub when you feel stressed will relax the body and rejuvenate you too. Water-based therapies are good. Health will improve further after the 20th. The worst will be finished with.
Mars, your love planet, spends the month in your 4th house. Review our discussion of this last month.

You’re still very much in yearly love and social peak until the 20th, so there is more coming out, more parties, more dating. However, with Uranus in your 7th house all of this seems unstable. It is fun, but not likely to be serious.

You’re still in a very prosperous year, but finances are a little slower than usual. Pluto, your financial planet, will just go backwards on the 22nd and Jupiter, the occupant of your money house, went retrograde on March 9. This is not limited in the world, but it shows a need for more caution and a review of finances. Important financial decisions are better made before the 22nd then afterwards. Since these retrogrades will last for many months, be more careful about the minute details of finance. Read the fine print of contracts, credit-card offers and insurance quotes. Make sure cheques are signed off and dated correctly. Be sure to address your envelopes correctly. If you’re mailing an essential document, it might be a nice idea to send it special delivery. The point here is not designed to make make things slower than they need to be. Keep copies of all receipts. Fixed as intact as possible in your financial dealings. Delays and glitches will probably still occur, but not as often as they could.

The most important thing over the next few months is to gain clarity on your financial picture and strategy. It’s a time for study and due diligence.

Your 8th house of regeneration is robust all month, but especially after the 20th. Venus is placed in the 8th house until the 24th. Thus there are more sex appeals to the image. It just ‘shines out’ naturally. In general, there is more libido than usual as well. Very good for weight-loss and detox regimes.

Best Days Overall: 1, 9, 10, 11, 18, 19, 27, 28
Most Stressful Days Overall: 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22
Best Days for Love: 7, 8, 14, 15, 16, 17, 25, 26, 27
Best Days for Money: 2, 3, 7, 8, 12, 13, 16, 17, 21, 22, 25, 26, 29, 30
Best Days for Career: 4, 5, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 25