Leo July 2018 Horoscope

Leo July 2018 Horoscope

Finances are celebrated this month Leo. You are not so affected as others by the retrograde movement of half the planets as there is a forward motion of most of your planetary rulers. So things are happening for you regardless of the delays experienced by most currently. You do however. Still have to be patient yet be aware that delays are due to planetary alignments rather than your own fault.

There is just an even dispersal of plants between the East and the West, so your self-esteem and confidence are currently balanced and you are feeling good yet you are not too forward with others nor too timid. You have a lot of opportunities available to you to achieve what you want yet you are also conscious of the needs of others.

With the progression of the month, the planets move to the lower half of your chart, decreasing your personal ambition and making you strive more for the goals of others. You are seeking personal satisfaction through pleasure rather than career advancement. You go out, and spiritually seeking up until the 23rd. This is finding expression for you in philanthropic and charitable activities and through prayer and meditation. On the 23rd a new cycle of activity begins, and through your energy and vitality have been useful all month they become exceptionally good then.

Your health is excellent all month. But gets exceptionally fine after the 23rd. Your usual Leo charm and charisma are still in full force, however with your Love Planet Uranus currently retrograde, you are invited to be taken love slow this month.

A basically happy month, Leo, but two eclipses this month shake things up and bring, about needed changes. These changes have not always been pleasant in the short term, but in the long term they are sunny. Both eclipses affect you strongly, so reduce your schedule over these periods.

Solar Eclipse of the 13th occurs in your 12th house of spirituality. This can bring shakeups – turmoil – in a spiritual or charitable organization you’re involved with. It often brings dramatic events in the lives of guru figures in your life. There are changes in your heavenly regime – in your teachings and practice. The dream life will be more active this period, but not very significant. Much of it is just psychic flotsam and jetsam caused by the eclipse. More importantly, this eclipse (and there will be another one next month as well) forces a subjective review – a personal re-evaluation – a redefinition of who you are, your self-concept and the image you project to others. It is essential now for you to define yourself for yourself. Otherwise others will define you and this is not generally pleasant. Over the next six months, your image – the face you present to the public – your personal ‘book’ will be changed. This is in line with spiritual law. Change the way you think and your appearance will be applied. This eclipses impacts on Pluto, your family planet, so there can be dramas in the family over the next six months or so, and a need for repairs to the home. A parent or parent figure experiences personal, life-changing dramas.

Lunar Eclipse of the 27th also makes a strong effect. It is found in your 7th house of love and will test a current relationship or business partnership. Often there are dramas in the lives of these people that cause the testing. Often old dirty laundry is dug up for cleaning. Valuable relationships survive these things – and get even better. It is the flawed ones that are in danger. Since this eclipse impact on Uranus, your love planet, everything we’ve just said is magnified. Mars is influenced by this eclipse as well. Thus it is not wise to get travelling during the period of the eclipse. (In addition, Mars is also retrograde all month.) College-level students can make meaningful changes in their educational plans. A legal matter (if you’re involved in something like this) now starts to take a dramatic turn, one way or another. There are shakeups in your place of worship.

Best Days Overall: 5, 6, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24
Most Stressful Days Overall: 1, 7, 8, 20, 21, 27, 28, 29
Best Days for Love: 1, 5, 6, 7, 16, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29
Best Days for Money: 1, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29
Best Days for Career: 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 25, 26